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Trees4TreesTM Farmers Establish 3 Tree Nurseries
Farmer groups participating in the Trees4TreesTM program have established 3 nurseries for tree seedlings.
The first seedlings became visible in June and will be planted later in the year when they have reached a suitable size and the rainy season will provide the best conditions for first growth.
The nurseries are located in the Purbalingga district of Central Java. They are owned and run by farmers, the opening follows 5 months of planning and preparation with Trees4TreesTM staff.
Trees4Trees financed the initial cost of the nurseries that will supply seedlings for all 2009 planting in the Purbalingga area, and so contribute to the farmers’ income from plantation activities already this year.
The 3 nurseries owned and run by farmers are located in the villages of Karangreja, bojong, and Patemon on the slopes of Mount Slamet, an active volcano.
The nurseries are placed at different altitudes and provide seedlings proven suitable for the area and altitude.
Karangreja, around 1000-2000 m above sea level, grows pine, Bojong, just below 1000 m, grow sengon and suren, and Patemon, at 200m, provides teak and mahogany.
MoU signing between Trees4TreesTM and Yayasan Al Hidayah at June,1 in Kebumen. The new management unit brings the total district management units to 14.
Introducing Trees4TreesTM staff members before signing MoU at Pesantren Al Hidayah-Kebumen
Villagers in Karangtanjung-Kebumen, joining the MoU signing meeting
MoU signing between T4T and 9 farmers groups in Purbalingga on June, 4
All farmer group managers in Purbalingga after signing the MoU
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Sapu Angin; important place for villagers in Kalikidang for old rituals which are a combination of islam and the traditional Javanese system. This is an example of the cultural sites that are included in the forest mapping process.
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MoU signing between Trees4TreesTM and Yayasan Salafiyah (Pesantren) on June 10 in Cilacap
Villager crowding the Pesantern’s hall to watch MoU signing process MoU signing between Trees4TreesTM and Yayasan Salafiyah
Training a new team under Management Unit Cilacap. Trees4TreesTM basic program on June 11-12.
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Learning FSC standards
Introducing community forestry to villagers in Bageng (Pati)
Establishing 6 farmer groups in Bageng (Pati)
MoU signing between Trees4TreesTM and 6 farmer groups in Pati on June 4.
Farmer group managers in Bageng/Pati after signed MoU
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