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Trees4Trees™ had conducted annual meeting with Field Coordinators who will assist and supervise 2012 planting program in 9 Management Units which consists of Cilacap, Banyumas, Purbalingga, Kebumen, Jepara, Pati, Magelang, Klaten, Tegal. The objective of the annual meeting performed by Trees4Trees™ was to evaluate planting program carried out in the previous year. Another objective was discussing 2012 planting program that will plant approximately 185,000 plants.
Field Coordinators were paying attention to the explanation on 2012 Trees4Trees™ Planting Plan.
The Trees4Trees™ staffs and all Field Coordinators who will be involved in 2012 Planting Program.
Field Coordinator Training
Trees4Trees™ had trained 16 new Field Coordinators for 2012 planting program, they were trained on how to disseminate the Trees4Trees™ program to the community, collect data from participants/farmers who are interested in taking a part with the program, and map the farmers’ land planted with trees fro Trees4Trees™ later.
Training been been provided by Trees4Trees™ to all new Field Coordinators. Tangguh (orange) of Trees4TreesTM was explaining how to use GPS to the new Field Coordinators. It was used to locate and mark land position.
Planting Education
Trees4Trees™ collaborated with PIKA delivered planting education to students of PIKA. The students learned how to plant and grow healthy trees. The trees were planted in 7 lands belonged to local farmers at Sumber village, Muntilan, Central Java, and those trees would be owned by the farmers. During the activity, Trees4Trees™ had provided 800 seedlings which consisted of Sengon (600 plc), Suren (100 plc) and Mahogany (100 plc).
The students were excited to learn planting a tree.
Trees4Trees™ management of PIKA, the students and the farmers after trees planting activity.
Staff of Trees4Trees™ and PIKA’s Management were discussing with farmers who received the donation.
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