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The initial seedlings germinated in June, will be planted later this year when they have reached a suitable size for planting. The nurseries are located in the villages of Karangreja, Bojong, and Patemon. These nurseries are situated at three different altitudes on the slopes of Mount Slamet, an active volcano, to provide seedlings adapted to local conditions.
Over the last five months Trees4TreesTM program staff have provided technical expertise, planning support and training to ensure that the farmer groups are familiar with seedling production methods to produce high quality seedlings.
The Trees4Trees Foundation has financed the establishment of the nurseries and will purchase the seedlings from the farmer groups. This is a mutually beneficial partnership as the farmer groups derive income from the production and sale of the seedlings whilst Trees4TreesTM is able to secure high quality, acclimatized seedlings for local distribution and planting.
Trees4Trees™ is a non-profit foundation established in Indonesia by responsible furniture manufacturers and their customers worldwide. Trees4Trees™ empowers local communities through partnership reforestation initiatives and related education programs. Increasing the area of community planted and owned forests creates livelihood assets, renewing the environment and reducing the negative effects of deforestation.