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Seed Distribution to the Communities
158,033 seeds distributed to 9 Management Units: Tegal, Cilacap, Kebumen, Magelang, Pati, Jepara, Purbalingga, Banyumas and Klaten
The seeds consist of: Teak (64,717 plc; 41%), Sengon (40,292 plc; 25%), Mahogany (37,647 plc; 24%), Suren (14,578 plc; 9%) and Mango (799 plc; 1%)
Selection and packing of Sengon at Berkah Lestari farmer group nursery Loading of seeds from the nursery onto the truck then transported to the destination
Social Research in Pati
On February 2012, Trees4Trees staff conducted training related to social data collection through a social program research facilitated by ACIAR
During the occasion, Trees4Trees also tests a social survey method which is compiled previously prior the event
ACIAR's team meeting with community Kamil, Trees4Trees' social staff is performing social survey as part of the research
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