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Half year Field Coordinator meeting, review activity plan in January-June and prepare activity plan for July-December (MU- Pati & Jepara) on July 28 in Pati
Field Coordinators from Pati and Jepara in the review activity meeting Mulyono, a Field Coordinator from Jepara District presented his activities.
Half year Field Coordinator meeting, review activity plan in January-June and arranging activity plan in July-December (MU-Tegal, Brebes, Banyumas) on July , 30 in Tegal
Field Coordinators of Tegal, Brebes, and Banyumas in meeting Ahmad Saifudin, a Field Coordinator from Banyumas ,District presented his results
On the job training for the community in the nursery management in Patemon, Bojong and Karangreja
Introducing of the Trees4TreesTM program to Faculty of Forestry -University of Gajah Mada, and arranging potential coorporation on July 23.
Introducing comunity forestry to villagers in Kalibagor and Kaliori (Banyumas), on July 11
Establishing 2 Farmers Group in Kalibagor and Kaliori on July 23
T4T staff member shows how to evaluate soil as media for seedlings.
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