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16 Field Coordinators and representatives a farmer group spent a hot day in the field Saturday on August 8th with Mr.Taufik, an experienced practitioner in forest maintenance with state forestry company Perum Perhutani.
It was all about how to maintain your trees during growth to get the best possible quality wood by the time of harvest.
The trainer candidates were taken through the principles and practices of thinning and pruning and will now now spread the skills in their districts.
Mr.Taufik explains about pruning of trees, calculation of the optimum number of trees in a given area
Pruning is practiced. Cutting off branches will let the tree grow nice straight trunks Measuring space between trees
Half year Field Coordinator meeting, review activity plan for January-June and prepare activity plan for July-December (MU- Kebumen & Cilacap) on August , 5 in Kebumen
Field Coordinators of Kebumen and Cilacap in the activity review meeting Fauzan, a Field Coordinator from Kebumen District, presents his activities
Half year Field Coordinator meeting, review activity plan for January-June and prepare activity plan for July-December; specific area which already established farmer group (MU- Banyumas, Purbalingga, Pati, Boyolali) at August , 7 in Purwokerto
Performance reviewed by Trees4TreesTM team, followed by discussions on how to resolve field problems Experienced Field Coordinators share experience with new field coordinators
Half year Field Coordinator meeting, review activity plan for January-June and prepare activity plan for July-December (MU- Semarang, Temanggung, Sragen, Magelang, Boyolali, Klaten) on August , 3 in Bawen
Field Coordinators from Semarang, Sragen, Magelang, Boyolali, and Klaten in the meeting Sutrisno, a Field Coordinator from Sragen District ,presents his results
Introducing community forestry to villagers in Cikedondong, Kertajaya, Binangun, Kunci, Kamulyan, and Bantarsari (Cilacap)
Jarir ,Area Manager of Cilacap District ,introduced Trees4TreesTM program to villagers in Cikedondong Field Coordinator (Khamidin) explains community forestry to Binangun villagers
Establishing 9 Farmers Group in Cilacap
MoU signing between Trees4TreesTM and 8 farmer groups in Cilacap at August,31
MoU signing between Trees4TreesTM and 2 farmer groups in Banyumas at August,10
Discussion forum with 9 farmers group in Cilacap Signing MoU with farmer group in Cilacap
Training in Forest Inventory and Forest Maintenance in Cilacap and Purbalingga at August, 8-9
Establishing 3 Farmer groups in Sangkanayu (Purbalingga) ining.
Field coordinators learning to use Christen meter to measure tree height Haga meter to check data on tree height
Measuring diameter using Phi band, Clino meter and other tools to measure tree height introduced in the training
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