Training of Field Coordinator in Permanent Sample Plot measurement
Establishing  Permanent Sample Plots.  Total 32 plots measured in the Management Units in  Jepara, Magelang, and Banyumas
Tree height measurement training
Tree health evaluation

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Annual  review and  Planning meeting  for  Planting period 2009
Introducing  T4T Information System, an online system to manage information from field to office

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Supervising of the last seedling of the 2008 planting period

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Seed distribution  227.296 plc, 6 species.

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Acclimatization areas for seedlings prepared in each management unit.
Trees4TreesTM (Yayasan Bumi Hijau Lestari) joint in the National Movement for Plantation Action. The action kicked off in Banyumas District (Management Unit Banyumas) on 28 November 2008.

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Review meeting of planning activities in Boyolali, Magelang, Temanggung.
Joint meeting with Area Managers.
Training in silviculture for Field Coordinators. Focus was on Management and maintenance of seedlings during the critical first 3 months after planting. Field Coordinators will replicate the program for farmer in connection with planting the seedlings on their local.
Inspecting trees at the nursery before distribution trees to Management Units.

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Review of planning activities in Semarang, Pati, Jepara, Brebes, Banyumas, Purbalingga, Cilacap

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Monitoring the accuracy of our mapping data and the suitability of the wood species chosen by farmers Follow-up training of field coordinators. Review of planning activities in Sragen, Klaten, Tegal. We undertake these meeting to identity short comings in the way each Management Unit has carried out socialization, data collection, mapping and to take corrective steps before the actual planting takes place.

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In the 13 management areas, the program was introduced to villagers who took part in planning species to be planted and identified areas to plant. The plots of land for be planted are usually deforested or land too dry to grow rice or other food crops. The areas were mapped.
The labels say that albazzia, teak and mango will be planted in these fields when the raining season starts.

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Seedlings for planting 2008 were checked at the nursery. The species shown here are : Albazzia, Mahogany (top row left to right), Teak (center row), Mindi, Mango (bottom row).

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Renewing the environment and empowering the local communities through the forestry and education

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