Nursery Highlights: Nurturing Seedlings for High-Quality Results

In the pursuit of cultivating high-quality seedlings, the Trees4Trees nursery team employs various routines and techniques throughout the seedling growth process. Through diligent care and proper maintenance, these tree seedlings will thrive and mature into young trees, ready to make a positive impact on the environment. 

Join us in witnessing our dedicated efforts to nurture and care for these tree seedlings in our nurseries 

Nurturing Seedlings for High-Quality Results; Pemupukan bibit sengon_persemaian pati_20230801_Trees4Trees

Reaching the optimal growth of every seedling, our team applied organic fertilizer. Pati nursery team (above) sprayed liquid organic fertilizers to Albizia trees. Kebumen nursery team (below) spray plant growth substances to stimulate the growth of Calliandra seedlings.  

Management of pests and diseases affecting the seedlings

Management of pests and diseases affecting the seedlings

For the management of pests and diseases affecting the seedlings, the Ciminyak nursery team utilizes organic pesticides. Mindi and tobacco leaves, both organic materials, are employed effectively in the production of these organic pesticides to combat pests. 

Management of pests and diseases affecting the seedlings

At the Soreang nursery, our team chopped up banana tree stems (above) and mixed them with spirulina, and organic fertilizers to create organic material (below). This organic material serves the dual purpose of controlling pests and fertilizing the soil.

Pembuatan MP 1_Persemaian Soreang_Trees4Trees

Nurturing Seedlings for High-Quality Results

Regularly watering seedlings is essential for the seedlings’ growth. Our team in Kebumen nursery waters the seedlings every afternoon. The optimal times for watering plants are in the early morning and late afternoon. 

Management of pests and diseases affecting the seedlings

Cirasea nursery team is moving the stinky bean seedlingsEvery tree seedling in the polybags needs to be moved to prevent the roots from not penetrating the ground. Additionally, moving the seedlings is necessary to distinguish between the surviving and non-surviving ones. 

Management of pests and diseases affecting the seedlings


Pruning Akar dan Daur Pada Tanaman Petai_Persemaian Ciminyak_240823_Trees4Trees

Our Ciminyak nursery team is pruning the roots of stinky bean. The pruning is necessary to apply to growing seedlings aims to encourage root branching. 

Management of pests and diseases affecting the seedlings

The Soreang nursery team is installing the paranet (above), while the Ciminyak nursery team (below) has already finished installing the shading net. These are used to protect seedlings from excessive sunlight, rainfall, and wind.

Nurturing Seedlings for High-Quality Results


Vironica Arnila 12-Sep-23

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