Activity Highlights: Distributing Seedlings for Citarum River Restoration

Distributing seedlings for planting community forests may seem like a simple task. After all, it’s just handing out some seedlings to some farmers, right?  

However, a closer look reveals the complexity and scale of this operation. During the 2023–2024 planting season, the Trees4Trees West Java field team distributed approximately 4.1 million seedlings of 14 different tree species to 18,800 farmers. Each of them could choose up to five different tree species. This seedlings’ distribution is part of our effort to restore areas in the Citarum Watershed, encompassing five sub-watersheds: Cisangkuy, Ciwidey, Cirasea, Ciminyak, and Citarik.

Timber trees were packed 10 to a bag, while fruit trees were packed 8 to a bag. Due to the challenging terrain, with very narrow and steep roads, small pickup trucks were used for delivery. Each truck carried a maximum of 1,500 seedlings to avoid overcrowding and damaging the seedlings.

Adding all this up means there were around 415,000 bags of seedlings individually packed per farmer order and delivered to 176 villages with more than 20,395 planting locations inside a two-month period.

So, on a daily average, 73,000 seedlings were packed into 9,240 bags, each with a unique order quantity and loaded and shipped to the distribution points in 50 trucks. That’s a lot of green for a greener future!

Now, let’s appreciate the hard work and dedication of our field team as they have already completed delivering seedlings to our tree growers around the Citarum Watershed.

Distribution Process

The tree seedlings were placed at the closest meeting point so that it will be easier for residents to pick them up to their lands. (Above) Our field team facilitated the distribution to Sukawening Village in the Ciwidey Sub-watershed. (Below) Our field team managed the distribution to Mekarjaya Village in the Cisangkuy Sub-watershed. 

Tree seedling

Activity hightlights; farmers

As the tree seedlings arrived at the meeting points, our team, along with the local community, unloaded the trees and grouped them according to each dedicated tree grower who would receive them. Our field teams in Cibenda Village (above) and Pacet Village (below) organized the trees to make distribution easier for each tree grower. 

tree seedling

farmer and tree seedling

Even though heavy rain fell on the distribution day, our team remained committed to distributing tree seedlings to our tree grower partners in each village. Our team delivered seedlings in Sukawening Village (above) and Neglasari Village (below) in the middle of rainy day. 

distribution process

Activity hightlights; Trees4Trees field team distributed approximately 4.1 million seedlings to 18,800 farmers aiming

Distributing tree seedlings was sometimes challenging. Our team had to navigate steep and difficult-to-access terrain to reach some villages. In the Cirasea 3 site (above) our team worked hand in hand with the local community to place tree seedlings in locations inaccessible to trucks. (Below) the pickup truck passed through a very narrow road in Loa Village, part of Cirasea 1 site. 

car and tree seedling

The tree-seedlings were all dropped and organized in a meeting point. They are ready to be picked up by the dedicated tree growers. 

Activity hightlights; Trees4Trees field team distributed approximately 4.1 million seedlings to 18,800 farmers aiming

(Above) Before delivering to local farmers, our field team meticulously checks all seedlings, including the total trees, types, and the dedicated tree growers who are supposed to receive them. (Below) Our field team ensured that our tree growers received the correct seedlings according to their requests as in the initial stage before handing the seedlings to them. 

Trees4Trees field team distributed approximately 4.1 million seedlings to 18,800 farmers aiming

Distribution process

Following the arrival of the tree seedlings in a village around the Ciminyak sub-watershed, local communities enthusiastically welcomed them. They can’t wait to receive the tree seedlings they have been eagerly anticipating. 

Activity hightlights; distribution process

The smiles of the local people are invaluable as they receive trees and organic fertilizers from our team. We are grateful to have an opportunity to support them and see the joy on the faces of our tree grower partners in the Cirasea 3 site! 

Activity hightlights; Distribution process

We were delighted to witness schoolchildren actively assisting their parents in transporting the tree seedlings back home in Weninggalih Village. 

Farmers and tree seedling

Experiencing our tree growers bringing their trees home was truly thrilling. They transported the trees from the meeting points in a variety of methods, such as carrying them on their backs with bamboo sticks or traditional baskets, placing them on carts, or utilizing off-road motorcycles. Shortly thereafter, they will proceed to plant these trees in their fields in the Citarum watershed surrounding. 

Read also: Nursery Highlight: Tree Seedling Distribution in West Java




Vironica Arnila 15-Feb-24

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